Crew Youth Half Day soccer camp is designed to ignite the passion for soccer and the Crew through a blend of engaging activities, interactive games, and laughter. This camp is not just about learning soccer skills; it's about creating lasting memories and fostering a love for the game in a fun and dynamic environment.
This camp is for the youth soccer player looking for a fun and enjoyable week with their favorite professional team.
Key Features:
Interactive Skill Stations:
Team-Building Mini-Games:
Mascot Appearance:
*Player training visit:
Skill Challenges with Coaches:
Crew Merchandise:
Crew Youth Half Day Camps are created for players to experience the joy of soccer in a playful and spirited atmosphere.
Date | Time | Location |
Dates TBD | 9am-12pm | Historic Crew Stadium |
Dates TBD | 9am-12pm | Historic Crew Stadium |
Dates TBD | 9am-12pm | OHPC Turf Fields (New fields outside the stadium) |
Time | Activity |
8:30am-9:00am | Drop-Off/Check-In |
9:00am-11:30am | Soccer Activites w/ Breaks |
11:30-11:45 | Clean Up/Group Talk |
11:45-12:00pm | Pick Up |
12:00pm | Gates Close |
Time | Activity |
8:30am-9:00am | Drop-Off/Check-In |
9:00am-11:15am | 5v5 Tournament |
11:30am-12:00pm | Awards |
12:00pm | Camp Week Concludes |