The Crew Network is comprised of various youth soccer organizations in the Ohio region. The Crew Network gives youth players, coaches, parents and administrators access to unique experiences and opportunities.
Additionally, network clubs receive both technical and commercial benefits from the Crew, such as player training opportunities, access to the Crew’s coaching staff, as well as increased brand exposure.
Become a Crew Network partner club
For more information on the Crew Network program please contact
Robert Spain
Club Commercial Benefits
What is the Youth Partnerships Program?
The Youth Partnerships Program is a partnership program of the Columbus Crew to help grow the game of soccer in the Columbus and Midwest. The program is comprised of youth soccer organizations in Columbus and the Midwest. The Crew will focus their work with these organizations in the areas of player development and coaching education in addition to providing commercial benefits to these organizations. The program has two categories of youth soccer organizations: Academy Affiliate and Crew Network.
What is the difference between Academy Affiliate and Crew Network?
Youth soccer organizations in both categories receive a combination of technical and commercial benefits. The primary difference between an Academy Affiliate and Crew Network organizations is an Academy Affiliate is an official partner through Major League Soccer. Organizations in both categories receive benefits from the Columbus Crew; however, Academy Affiliate relationships have a stronger focus on the technical side creating a professional pathway for youth organizations in non-MLS markets.
What is the cost to partner with the Crew?
There is no cost/payment necessary to be a part of the programs.
What is the benefit to our youth club/organization?
The Crew will provide a mix of technical (soccer) and commercial benefits. Examples of the benefits include, coaching education sessions, player development training, access to the Crew’s Technical/Coaching staff (e.g., 1st team, Academy), priority access to matchday activities and Crew events, and marketing opportunities at Field.
How do I become a member of the Youth Partnerships program?
Youth soccer organizations that are interested in becoming a part of the Crew Network can fill out the information application here.
Select youth clubs may be eligible to be an Academy Affiliate. These clubs must use adidas as its apparel supplier and have a shared player development philosophy with the Crew.